Sunday, September 13, 2009

Speed Overpowers Quality

I always knew that time is of the essence. My sister tells me every day as I try to choose an outfit. My SAT proctor told me as I expediently searched for the right answers. It’s even said on my favorite TV show, Friends. But what I realized while watching the drive thru window at McDonald’s made me look at that small saying in a different light. Not only is time of the essence, but to most people time is the only thing of the essence.

It’s actually one of the most boring things I have ever done. Not because of the assignment, but because of how redundant this specific place was. Each car stopped for about seven seconds at the first window to pay, then moved about four feet to the second window and then were handed their delicious fast food in about four more seconds. The lady at the second window said “have a great day” to every single driver, and they drove away. So, in less than half a second, a hot meal was handed to each customer and they could move on with their lives. No problem right? Wrong. From the smell of the grease alone, you can tell that food can’t be even a little healthful for anybody. Any food that takes that short an amount of time to get handed out can’t be of a decent quality, especially those containing “meat products.” The fact that the outside of the building looked to me like a chunk of blue cheese with a red roof didn’t exactly say “yum” in my opinion either. I guess the fact that it is quick to grab Mickey D’s makes it worth the while to people.

The idea of a fast-food drive thru is the most American idea; drawing in and appealing to people of all ages. The middle of the day during of the week leaves the playground completely deserted, but you can tell that many a children run and play there. And right in the middle of the play area were three flags. The center one, The American flag, was taller than the other two, which were both the same height. One was the Maryland flag and the other was a red flag of the golden arches. It really stays in a kid’s head when they see McDonald’s on the same level as their state. That was probably the thing that is going to stick in my head if I have to choose the one thing I got out of this assignment. I don’t understand the need for the flag of the big “M”. I mean, from where I was sitting, which was outside of the building, I counted thirteen “M’s.” I thought that the one place where you would not have to advertise for a business is actually at that business.

Yes, time can be of the essence. The quicker you go the more you get accomplished, but sometimes people go too fast and lose sight of what is important. When speed takes place of health it is obvious that a line has been crossed. Most other countries take multiple hours to have meals, and here in the U.S. it takes less than 60 seconds. There is definitely a connection to this country’s ongoing health problem and fast food chains. To most people, time is the only thing that is important, and if we can find a way to change that then the world will be a much happier and healthier place.


  1. i know what you mean about how america seems to opperate, its always quantity over quality. its kinda sad because when your always russing you can never slow down to appeciate the little thigs in life.

  2. Chris wrote a blog about McDonalds that was kind of disturbing too... we're so caught up in the hurried day to day activities that we forgo our health and social spirit.

  3. Yeah i wrote about McDonald's too, my main idea and thesis was pretty much the same, everything was so fast there. This was very well put together and obviously thought out, I wish i would have read yours before I did mine lol! good work.

  4. I like this view on Mickey D's. By the way the chunk of blue cheese was my favorite part. nice job

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