Thursday, September 3, 2009

Life's too short, I'm not

If I had to create a bumper sticker that modeled my philosophy for life it would be "life's too short, i'm not." This means that you should just go with the flow, roll with the changes, and take what life gives you. This was originally said by a Broadway actress, Kristen Cheoweth, who stands only four feet and eleven inches tall. I too am vertically challenged, being only five feet and three inches tall. This is my newest philosophy because not only do I personally relate to it, but it also is positive and cheerful, which describes me perfectly.
Complaining about not being the way you want, like for instance being too short, is so not worth it because it is not going to change anything. Life goes by way too quickly to care about silly things like that. I learned to accept my flaws, and so should everyone else. Do with what you have rather than just dreaming for it to be different while sitting on your butt.
Believing things can happen in your favor is the first step to actually accomplishing it. I stopped wishing to be taller a long time ago because wishing for it doesn't make it happen, it just made me sad. Staying optimistic will make you feel a million times better in every way possible!


  1. Hi Bethanie, Great job formatting your blog!

  2. Hey Bethanie! Thanks for your comment. I think your Bumper Sticker Philosophy is really cute and upbeat. I like how you say this motto fits you because you can relate to it and because it is positive and cheerful like you. I love your layout and all the pictures, too. =)

  3. Bethanie...your blog page looks great and I feel that the point you are trying to get across in your essay is a great outlook. I feel the same was as you do when it comes to looking at the positive side and not worrying about the negative.

  4. Bethanie, I do agree with your bumper sticker. You are right, we do have similar ideas in them. Life will be good to you, as long as you believe that good will happen.


  5. your absolutely right! everyone needs to forget about theur flaws cuz not everyones perfect, and life is too short to be trying to fix yourself to make everyone else happy.

  6. I love your bumper sticker. It's cute and I definitely agree even though I'm 5 foot 6.. but you do make a good point.

  7. Hey sweet layout! Everything looks great

  8. Hey i mean im standing at a tall 5 ft. 5 but i dont let that hold me back at all.

  9. I agree, life is too short to complain

  10. I thought your bumper sticker was really great. Everyone worries about the small things way too much and doesn't get the most out of life.

  11. Your bumper sticker is great. Many people spend too much time complaining instead of doing.

  12. I like your philosophy, it's unique.

  13. I would be lying if I said that I felt your pain, because I'm a hefty 6'1. Regardless, I feel that your message is one that all people should see, as it is one of acceptance and self-appreciation. Wonderful job.
