Tuesday, October 13, 2009

apple is to orange as... wizard is to vampire?

When the first Harry Potter book came out my Mom and I would sit and read it together, and I began loving the book more and more each chapter. When the sequals came out, I admit I was one of the nerdy teens who wore the “Harry glasses” and waited outside of Barnes and Noble at midnight to snatch one of the first copies. Then the movies… oh the movies… I became a Harry Potter addict.
This past year, however, a new series emerged from the brilliant mind of Stephenie Meyer, The Twilight Saga. Now, as a Harry Potter fan, I was a bit skeptical, believing that this Stephenie person was a J. K. Rowling wannabe, and I did not give the vampire books a second glance. When my best friend, Caitlin and my sister, Danielle told me that, "I just had to read them" I hesitantly went to my high school’s library and picked up a copy of the first volume. From then on I was hooked.
I still adore Harry books, and the movies just as much, which I have recently found out is rather uncommon. This summer Caitlin and I bought tickets way way way in advance to go see the special midnight showing of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. As I sat there, squirming in my seat for it to start, a preview for the second Twilight movie, New Moon, came on. All at once everyone in the theater (which was COMPLETELY filled up) started booing.
I just couldn’t understand… why can’t a Harry fan like both? Caitlin and I were puzzled. Both stories are completely different. One is about wizards and the other is about vampires. They are both so different that the only thing I could think that made them similar was the target audience: female teenagers. It makes me really mad seeing those shirts that say “team Edward,” or “team Harry.” Why can’t someone like both? People actually argue over which is better and it is such a waste of time. I think all these girls and gay guys have to just let it go and accept both books/movies. You should not compare two things that are so different.

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